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About us

Danielle Searle has assisted hundreds of clients with the resolution of their family, parenting or property matters. Her goal is to help clients reconnect successfully with an angst free, post separation lifestyle based on research and experience.


For clients with children, this means remaining child focused and not abdicating your parental responsibilities by placing the children in the middle of a 'tug of war'. Separation which is badly handled can have long-term negative impacts on all parties, particularly children - emotionally and developmentally.


For clients settling property matters, this means focusing on the future, not the past and negotiating respectfully with your ex-partner, with the guidance and knowledge of professionals trained in helping you reach a fair and equitable resolution.


Whether adult children who need resolution with parents, or Grandparents who wish to resolve a disconnection with their children and grandchildren, we can provide a conflict resolution mediation to assist you.


With degrees and years of experience in Relationship and Co-parenting coaching, Family Therapies, Domestic Violence Matters, Social Work, High Conflict Training, and A Masters Degree in Youth and Childhood Studies, Danielle became a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Attorney Generals Office). Her continued aim is to help clients find resolution and retain their emotional well-being, while steering a positive course of action for a more peaceful future.

Dispute Resolution Mediator

Our Mission

To provide services and support to couples and families experiencing the often painful and highly conflicted separation process.
We aim to do so using a conciliatory pathway, without litigation, in order to put you on the pathway to a more peaceful, stress free future.
Saving you time and money our priority is to increase your ability to form a fair and equitable parenting and property/financial agreement with your ex-partner.

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