How is your property divided in a settlement meeting?
The Family Law Act has defined a 4-step process to achieve this:​
Identify the value of the property pool.
Consider the past contributions of each party.
Consider the future needs of each party.
Divide the property in a way that is ‘Just and Equitable’.
​To assist with following these steps, before you attend our property settlement meetings you will be asked for 'full disclosure' of your liabilities and assets via our property questionnaire. The information is required in order to ensure the success of your mediation and the forming of your agreement.​By gathering some personal information about you and your past and current situation, we join you at the mediation table with a stronger understanding of your position as far as your final outcome is concerned.

Successful Settlements
We can't promise you a guaranteed outcome. At the end of the day that is up to you and your ex-partner to negotiate.
We can promise a conciliatory, impartial, and cost-effective pathway to achieve a fair result, under the guidelines of the Family Law Act of which we have excellent knowledge.
As mediators, we are obligated to have a strong understanding of the Family Law process to share with you, and the process required to achieve a final legally binding result should mediation not be successful.
On conclusion of your mediation you will have either a firm agreement or a clear understanding of the process offered by the Federal Circuit & Family Court of Australia
Becoming one of 'our success stories' will save you not only money, but time, energy, stress and also leave you in a more peaceful place in order to move forward.